What happened last week
Happy New Year 🎆 I would really prefer that 2025 would start in a bit calmer matter but it was a shitstorm.
This week, we were not accepted as sponsors at WordCamp Europe because we didn’t contribute enough (learn more). A few hours ago, Automattic decided to lower the amount of work they are sponsoring to just 40 hours per week.
Apart from that, we (me and my family) started this year with a virus. So currently I’m not so happy with how this year is going.
On the bright side - I added a confetti effect to my blog 🎊You can see it 👇
Oh, and I will be a speaker at CyberWiseCon 💪
Interesting links
My WordPress Wishlist for 2025 — Maciek Palmowski
At the end of the year, I published a wishlist for WP. I had high hopes that 2025 would be better. It’s not going that well at the moment. Especially the “2025 to be a year of peace” part.
Aligning Automattic’s Sponsored Contributions to WordPress
This and today’s actions are another step in showing how you can destroy a community in a few months. When Matt gave his infamous talk during WCUS, I could say that “he was right on many points, but the form of the presentation was poor.” His presentation, if done right, should have started a bigger discussion and changes in the ecosystem to make it better. Today, I’m afraid that his further actions may destroy the community and WordPress itself.
Manifest - The 1-file micro-backend for your frontend
Manifest looks like an amazing solution if you need to build a micro-site and need a very simple backend for it. The configuration looks amazingly simple.
WordPress as a git repo — Adam Zieliński
Adam during Christmas decided to build a thing - a Git Filesystem for WordPress. It looks pretty cool and I can’t wait until his a bit chaotic Pull Request becomes a feature in a future release of WP.
Open source all the way down: Upgrading our developer documentation — Kim Jeske, Kian Newman-Hazel and Kody Jackson
Cloudflare explains why and how they migrated their documentation to Astro Starlight. Because it’s all open source, you can view its code and learn a lot from it.
Exposing the Honey Influencer Scam — MegaLag
Honey is like a dictionary definition of greed. I understand that free products aren’t entirely free and there is always a catch, but Honey decided to go all-in and steal from almost every possible side.
Also, it’s another example showing that we shouldn’t trust influencers that much.
Tight Mode: Why Browsers Produce Different Performance Results — Geoff Graham
I had never heard of the term "Tight Mode" before, but it seems to be a strategy for loading websites and deciding which resources should be loaded with which priority. Geoff did a great article explaining it.
Filament Crash-Course: Create a Customizable Admin Panel in Minutes — Nico Devs
I love all the tutorials Tighten makes. They are really informative and you always learn something new. This one here shows how to start using Filament.
StaleCache — Ryan Hellyer
Ryan wrote a cool library that takes care of stale cache. So, if you need something like this - just give it a try.
And how was your week? Did you learn something interesting? Don’t hesitate to press the reply button or share your thoughts in the comment section.