What happened last week
A bit late this week, but a lot of things happened. I was preparing myself for my talk at the Atarim Web Summit(I think it went very well), and I had a chance to meet one of my Kinsta colleagues who decided to become a Polish citizen.
Now I’m polishing my talk for the WordCamp Poland in Gliwice that will take place next month.
I also spent some time building a site using GitHub API as the main data source. Here you can see the results.
And yesterday, I learned that I got mentioned twice in the Statamic monthly newsletter.
Interesting links
WebC First Impressions — Benny Powers
Benny Powers shares his view about WebC. I read about WebC more than once, and I finally have to give it a try. It really does sound interesting, and Zach is responsible for this, which is a sign of quality.
Creating database-driven Astro sites with the Tigris Astro integration — Michael Jolley
A very interesting article showing how to integrate Tigris DB with Astro. I really like how the integration uses collections. At least, “visually”, it looks amazing.
The “const” Deception — Josh Comeau
Josh Comeau did an amazing job explaining why constants aren't always that constant. Also, I always love looking at Josh's articles - they are always full of beautifully crafted demos and examples.
Securing Git Repositories — Maciek Palmowski
Some time ago, I had the pleasure of inviting Dwayne McDaniel to the Code and Coffee Show. Thanks to the magic of Contenda, I could convert this interview into an article. I hope you'll like it.
If you wanted to integrate Astro and Statamic together, you should check this guide. If you aim for a nice and easy-to-develop headless setup, these two might be perfect.
Using Netlify On-Demand Builders + Astro + Edge Functions to make a blog-sharing generator - Cassidy Williams
Not only is Contenda beta amazing, but this guide about how they created a blog-sharing generator is also very cool. It's really fascinating how you can use all those tools together.
Looking Behind the Source Code — Ethan Lewis
Ethan shares many interesting tips regarding building Open Source communities. If you take community building seriously, you should follow this guide immediately.
And how was your week? Did you learn something interesting? Don’t hesitate to press the reply button or share your thoughts in the comment section.