What happened last week
While I’m starting my work at Patchstack in January, I’m taking part in some workshops we’re having together. This gives me a chance to meet the team and understand how they work. My gut says that the upcoming year will be crazy and creative.
Also, fun fact. Last week I mentioned that I was disappointed with the fact that PHP UK rejected my talk. A few hours after sending that newsletter I got confirmation that I will be speaking at the International PHP Conference in Berlin.
What else? Oh yes - don’t forget to join me and Santosh later today, as we’ll be talking about Angular. I’m excited because, while I don’t know too much about Angular it will be a great chance to learn something more about it and maybe give it a try.
I’m also giving Warhammer 40k: Rogue Trader a try. I do enjoy the game and the mechanics, but again and again, I’m having trouble with the lore. I never gave it a deeper dive (apart from computer games) and every time I couldn’t sink into it. This time it probably won’t stop me from finishing the game though :D
Interesting links
Year in Review 2023 — Cloudflare
Cloudflare decided that it’s already a great moment to publish a summary for 2023. They publish some interesting insights about internet traffic(it’s growing), the most popular CMSs(WordPress - no surprise), or the most popular JS library(jQuery of course). Overall - worth checking for some cool data.
How to build a SaaS in a weekend — Arunas Skirius
Arunas shows that building a SaaS isn’t that difficult and you can do it in one weekend. And it will work. Probably it will require some polishing (especially on the non-business logic side), but hey - you have your SaaS out there. You
State of the Word — Matt Mullenweg
During this year’s SotW, Matt presented quite a lot of interesting changes coming soon into WordPress - a new admin panel, custom field blocks, and more performance changes. I’m also curious about the Data Liberation project.
Demo Time — Elio Struyf
Elio just released a preview of a cool VS Code addon called Demo Time. Thanks to it you can create step-by-step demos, so you won’t have to enter everything manually, but you have to prepare a scenario and press play. Amazing for workshops and content creators.
DevRel: How to measure it — Sergii Kirianov
Sergii wrote this great piece about measuring DevRel. I agree with him - it’s difficult. While you are working on the community front, you at least have some numbers, but if your main tasks are more on the inside of the company it gets near-impossible to measure anything.
4 Web Devs, 1 App Idea (Cassidy Williams, David Khourshid, Shaundai Person) — Jason Lengstorf
4 developers were doing an app that had to have a leaderboard. It was great to see how differently they handled it (from a pure HTML/CSS/JS approach to a very sophisticated one by David). Shaundai’s idea is my favorite though :D
That Escalated Quickly: All the New Things — John Koster
John summed up the quarter and it turns out he produced quite a few amazing addons for Statamic. I’m really glad he wrote that post because I would probably miss the Social Media Image Kit, which I’m planning to try out soon.
Automate your CI/CD pipeline with Buddy and OpenAI — Christian Dangl
Chrisitan created an amazing proof of concept showing how we can use OpenAI inside of the CI/CD pipeline. I really love the concept and I see it as a great foundation for other AI-related ideas.
And how was your week? Did you learn something interesting? Don’t hesitate to press the reply button or share your thoughts in the comment section.