What happened last week
Long time no see.
What a busy time it is. After my two-week holidays, I jumped straight into the conference marathon:
I was a speaker at the WP Agency Summit organized by Crocoblocks
The day after, together with Carlo Daniele, we were explaining stuff about Astro and HTMX during the Come to Code
Right now, I'm on the train for the WordCamp Gdynia, where I will speak about security
Next week, I will talk about Astro during WarsawJS
Quite a lot, right? The good news is that those are probably the last conferences this year.
As I mentioned - I spent some time in Valencia during my time off. Oh my, what a beautiful city it is. Also, you can find, a lot of amazing specialty cafes there. Totally recommend.
Interesting links
Mullenweg threatens corporate takeover of WP Engine — Rae Morey
If you were lucky enough to live under the rock for a week or two, you probably missed this debacle. Rae did a great job summarizing what happened. Personally, I think the way how this is handled is horrible, it's shattering the community and trust. No matter who wins this, we all lose a bit.
PHP is the Best Choice for Long‑Term Business — Tomas Votruba
We all know about PHP's reputation. Yet it's still here, it's changing and it's getting better and better. Tomas shares his view on why the PHP ecosystem is a great choice long-term. He also explains why this ecosystem is so great.
Astro 5.0 Beta Release — Erika
Astro 5 Beta is here and it's full of goodies. The Server Island and the Content Layer API are especially amazing.
Goodbye Studio, Hello DB — Fred Schott
At the beginning of the year, Astro launched a service called Astro Studio. It felt OK for an MVP product and I hoped for new features to be added. Ultimately the Studio will be closed and will be replaced with opening Astro DB for all libSQL databases.
Shattering Headless WordPress Build Times with Astro’s Content Layer API — Andrew Kepson
Andrew Kepson decided to try out how Astro's Content Layer will work with WordPress. In short - it works really great and fast. I can't wait for the conference season to end, so I can play with this too.
Going Buildless — Max Böck
Max shares his opinion about going buildless. You know, something that we called "normal webdevelopment" more than 10 years ago. While going buildless again seems quite difficult, Max sees a light in a tunnel and hopes that things will get simpler again.
Patchstack Secures $5M in Series A Funding — Jyolsna J E
I'm really proud of Patchstack - securing those $5M will help us grow and make WordPress a much safer place.
One More Gutenberg Introduction — Mohamed Atta
Mohamed did a great job explaining how to start building custom Gutenberg blocks. It's a really deep and thorough tutorial.
And how was your week? Did you learn something interesting? Don’t hesitate to press the reply button or share your thoughts in the comment section.